Did you know you can create custom access codes to unlock hidden price levels for your events?
As your onsale draws near, you may find yourself wanting to limit and control who can buy tickets. Our system allows you to easily create event-specific access codes, which grant exclusive access to otherwise hidden price levels on your event listing. For example, you can use these codes to offer customer loyalty perks without making them visible to the public. You can choose to unlock a hidden price level for VIP guests. Or you can even use it as a promotional tool, as the exclusivity of the codes can play on your audience’s fear of missing out.
To create an access code, go to the Inventory page of the event creation process within the ShowClix Admin. Click “+ Add Price Level” and enter all relevant information, like name, description, and price. Then deselect the “Active Online” button. This will hide the designated price inventory from the checkout page. Next, under the Manage tab, click “Create Coupon” and change the coupon type to “Access Code.” You’ll be prompted to create a name and the code customers will type in to apply it to their purchase. When you’re ready, click “Save and Assign” and then choose which event(s) to apply the code to. If you want to set the date range it will be in effect or limit the number of times the code can be redeemed, now is the time. Select “Save Assignment” and your access code is ready to share!
Want more information on how to enable access codes? Check out our support article!