Did you know you can accept donations directly through your event listings?
With our customizable donations feature, your customers can become benefactors in the exact same place they purchase tickets!
Offering the option to donate in your online checkout can make a big difference. In many cases, your customers are already purchasing tickets to your event, so there’s a good chance that they’ll be interested in further supporting your organization when given the option. Plus, instead of accepting donations separately, it’s all in one transaction, convenient for you and your customers. Not to mention, processing all of these transactions through the same system provides you with streamlined financial reporting options, and gives your customers a familiar checkout experience when donating.
Within our Admin, you can easily enable donations as you create your event. Once you turn this feature on, customers will see a box encouraging them to “Make a Donation,” with the option for them to enter any dollar amount. You may also set a suggested donation amount, which will automatically be added to the donation box, while still allowing customers to raise or lower the amount. The amount will get added to their total and paid for in one transaction, but you will be able to use our reporting tools to see donations and ticket sales separately.
Want to learn more? Feel free to contact our Client Support team today!