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How to Write Great Subject Lines

Want to grab your customer’s attention effectively? Then send your emails with eye-grabbing subject lines!

Email is one of the most successful ways to communicate to your customers, placing your event and brand front and center—it’s also one of the best ways to notify them about important updates and upcoming events. 47% of people say they open an email because of the subject line, (Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey) so let’s make sure it counts!

Writing your email subject should be the toughest part in sending emails to your customers. You want them to see your email and feel compelled to open it up and see what it contains. All that stands in your way is what (few) words you choose.

Avoid sounding spammy. Certain words and formatting will drop your email right in a spam folder, before a human has even had the chance to see it! Avoid all-caps, spammy subjects (such as “CLICK HERE!” or “URGENT”) and try to stray from other common spam triggers, like non-alphanumeric characters or HTML tags.

Keep it short and simple. Try to break down the purpose and message of your email in the most succinct phrasing. Figure out what compels you to open an email. Keep in mind that most email clients truncate subject lines after a certain point, so try to get to the point in the first few words!

Tell readers exactly what to expect. Don’t dance around the topic and try to be too sales-y. If you are celebrating something, you could say, “Join our celebration!” or if you want to offer them a coupon on a ticket price, “Get a discount on the ticket price”.

One final tip, entice your customers to open your email by answering the question, “What’s in it for them?” If they know something good in store, they are likely to open and read your email. Also, once you communicate with your customers and give them a good, solid email, you will continue to see increased open rates and better engagement with your customers.

What are some of your tips for writing emails to customers? Add them in the comments below!

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