ShowClix How-To: Add Custom Content to Your Event Emails

  • By Anthony | Wednesday, January 13th, 2016
Custom Content Event Emails

Did you know you can use Advanced Settings to add custom content to your automated customer emails? 

When a customer places an order, we send an order confirmation email, which contains their ticket information and their receipt.

With Advanced Settings, you can include helpful messages for your customers in these emails — anything from parking information or event itineraries to notes about what to bring to the event.

Estimated time: 3-5 minutes

Visit the Event Overview.

  • Click Events and locate the event you wish to edit in the table of upcoming events.
  • Alternatively, you can use the search bar. Just enter the event’s name.

Find the Advanced Settings menu.

  • On the Event Overview, click the Edit button in the top left.
  • Click the 3 button to access the third step of the event creation process.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Edit Event Advanced Settings.
  • (You can also visit the Advanced Settings menu during the event creation process. Just visit the menu after you’ve completed the usual three steps of creating a new event.)
  • Note: For an event series, you can edit the Advanced Settings for all of the sub-events in the series by editing the parent event.

Add your custom messaging.

  • The Advanced Settings menu offers a list of options to customize your events. These options include a handful of text boxes that allow you to add custom messaging to different areas of your event listings and emails.
  • The fields that will appear in your Order Confirmation email are Confirmation Email Text and Additional Receipt Text.
  • Check out this example to see where this text will appear in your confirmation emails.
  • Enter your custom messaging in the fields provided. (These fields are HTML-enabled so you can embed links, small images, and other basic media in addition to your messages.)
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit.

The Advanced Settings menu has a few other fields that let you customize your checkout process. You can edit the message when tickets are no longer available, add instructions to the Order Confirmation and Payment Info pages, and more!

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