Your event staff is a well-oiled machine, working in each of their specific roles to make sure event day goes off without a hitch. That being said, each and every one of your on-site staffers are acting as ambassadors for your event. Keep attendee satisfaction at an all time high by making sure your entire event staff can answer these ten common questions:
“Where is the restroom?”
Your event staff will certainly be asked this question countless times, so be sure to familiarize them with all venue restroom facilities, including knowing which restrooms are best equipped with easy access for disabled guests.
“Where is the performance area?”
Depending on the layout of your event, attendees will have questions about when and where certain performances, panels, or meet and greets are set to occur. Your staff should be given a detailed briefing of all relevant info, and be equipped with maps or programs to pass out.
“Where is the nearest exit?”
Your staff should know exactly where every venue exit is located, for both safety and convenience purposes. If applicable, be sure they are also aware which are staffed entrances that can accommodate re-entry, which are exit-only, and which are alarmed emergency exits.
“Can I exit and re-enter?”
If your event allows for re-entry, your staff should know the proper procedure (if attendees need to be scanned out, if there is a special wristband or hand stamp, etc.). If your event does not allow re-entry, make it very clear with signage upon entry, print it on your tickets, and educate your staff.
“What is included with my ticket?”
VIP packages, photo ops, and early entry passes can have varying offerings. Your event staff should have thorough knowledge of what each ticket package or level includes.
“I have an emergency! Can you help?”
Your team should know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. Lines of communication with security and medical staff should remain available at all times, and a plan should be in place for each staff member to follow.
“Can you help me find my phone?”
Have a central lost-and-found area to which your staff can direct attendees, and consider a venue-wide announcement system for items of great value or importance (ex: car keys, medicine, etc.)
“Where is the accessible/VIP/seating area?”
Depending on your event setup, some attendees might have trouble locating their specified seating or viewing areas. Each member of your staff should be prepared to point attendees in the right direction.
“Who do I talk to about _______?”
If a question arises that your staff doesn’t know how to answer, they should know when they need to escalate that question to the appropriate person in the hierarchy, and know how to contact them.
“How can I find out about next year’s event?”
You’ll never have a better opportunity to promote your next event than at your current one! If attendees want more information about upcoming events, your staff needs to know exactly where to point them via a website, a handbill, etc.