When promoting a new event, a press release can serve as a great method to generate publicity at minimal cost to you. If it gets picked up by major websites or influencers, your event could also be exposed to potential attendees that may never have found it otherwise. Not to mention, a widely shared press release adds legitimacy to your event and can help you gain potential sponsors. That being said, you’ll need to take certain steps to ensure that your story does not go unnoticed. Our event marketing experts have put together a few tips to make sure your press release stands out and gets the coverage you desire!
Make Your Headline Newsworthy
You want your headline to be attention-grabbing. An engaging title using action words is key in enticing readership. Steer clear of bland headlines like, “Concert in the Park Comes to Town, Tickets On Sale Tuesday,” and instead opt for something more memorable, like, “Music History in the Making: Legendary Artists Set to Perform in Pittsburgh.” As an SEO measure, keep titles to one line and include keywords to clearly focus people’s attention on the headline message.
Keep Details Simple
The first paragraph of your press release should explain the basic details of your event; the who, what, why, when, and where so readers can get the facts quickly. In the rest of the body, describe your event, organization, any surprising details, and any partners, avoiding fluff and extraneous details so readers can get the info they need. Bear in mind a press release should be written as a news story and not an advertisement!
Make it Personal
It’s important to include quotes ascribed to relevant parties within your organization to provide a more personal connection to the event. Quotes should be attributed to positions within your organization: the founder, operations director, marketing director, etc., making sure every name mentioned has an associated title. Include their enthusiasm and any personal connection they may have to the event. At the end of your press release, include an “About Us” section to provide a better understanding of your organization and end with a link to your website.
Give Them More
Incorporate a creative approach into each announcement to increase the likelihood of social sharing. For example, instead of simply writing event facts, include an infographic to make the information more easily digestible. Try linking off to a video or showcase behind the scenes photos to spark interest and increase anticipation for your event.