Instagram has proven to be a powerful tool for event organizers to promote their brand and their event. Taking a page out of Snapchat’s book, Instagram’s Stories feature allows users to upload photos, videos, or Boomerang gifs which are set to expire after 24 hours. With recent updates to this story functionality, the platform is becoming even more friendly for events, offering access to a larger audience, direct links to ticket sales, and a medium to share exclusive event details.
Read on for our tips on how to use Instagram Stories to take your event promotion above and beyond!
Engage your followers
Following Instagram’s algorithmic feed update last year, content is no longer displayed in your followers’ news feeds chronologically. Frequent posting to your story is a great way to ensure that your content is reaching your audience. In each user’s feed, recent stories from followed accounts are displayed prominently across the top of the screen, alerting your followers of new content. Similarly, popular stories are also posted across the top of Instagram’s explore page, potentially opening the door for new followers to connect with your event!
Reach a wider audience
Adding location tags allows your story to be shared to the Instagram story for that particular location (be it a venue, neighborhood, city, etc.), and can expose your post to a much wider audience. Tag the city where your event is being held, and you’ll receive a notification when your post is added to the story!
You can also insert live hashtags into your story; add your event-specific hashtag to start an open story about your event that other users can add to, or use a trending hashtag to add your post to another existing story.
Sell more tickets
If you’ve ever been frustrated by Instagram’s lack of live links in post comments, we have some good news for you! Instead of relying on the dreaded “link in bio” option, certain Instagram accounts with large followings can add a live link to story posts. Accounts with this functionality can encourage viewers to swipe up via a “see more” link on the story post in order to be redirected to your event’s website, providing you with a simple-to-use channel to sell more tickets and event merchandise.
Showcase exclusive footage
Stories are designed to disappear after 24 hours, so you don’t need to be quite as selective with the content you share. Upload a separate story image for each of your top celebrity guests in order to spread the word without overloading your followers’ news feeds. Take viewers on an exclusive tour of your event venue as it’s being set up by posting a series of videos. Stories are also a great medium for sharing user-generated content, just be sure to tag your source!