If you’re not selling merchandise for your event, you may be missing out on a major revenue opportunity. T-shirts, posters and other sorts of keepsakes and memorabilia can be sold along with ticket purchases, giving you the ability to create a buzz before your event. You may even be able to boost engagement during and after the event, as well.
We want you to be able to reap the benefits of merchandise, so here are a few tips to help you make the most of your merchandise sales:
Include merch as an option with ticket sales.
You may already sell merchandise at your venue, but selling merchandise before your event builds some excitement for your ticket buyers and can even help you promote your event. With ShowClix, you can add T-shirts or whatever shipped merchandise you want to the ticket purchase process, meaning that customers can easily add items to their cart when their enthusiasm for the event is at its peak.
Sell merchandise that makes sense.
The items you sell should reflect the wants and needs of the fans attending your event. For a fan festival spanned over a few days, try selling lanyards for the passes they’ll receive at the gate. For almost any type of event, folks love T-shirts, stickers and other easy ways to commemorate their time at the event.
Draw attention to your merchandise.
If you’re selling merch with tickets, don’t forget to mention it whenever you’re promoting links to your event listing on Twitter or Facebook. At your event, you’ll also want to have a dedicated, visible area for merch and the right, outgoing people to work it. While it may seem like a no-brainer, reminding fans about the merchandise you have for sale can make a big difference in your bottom line.
Create discounted ticket and merch bundles.
Everyone loves a deal. Include one of your items at a discounted price when tickets are purchased, and you’ll entice attendees to take advantage of the opportunity for a lower price. If your bottom line allows it, consider offering free items with online ticket purchases as well — some merch items can be printed with your brand very cheaply, allowing you to provide that extra incentive that just might convince someone to make their ticket purchase.