As an event marketer, you’re likely spending a large portion of your time promoting and analyzing your event across multiple platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, and AdRoll, and that added effort can really add up. Luckily, our marketing account integrations feature was designed to optimize your campaigns and save you time. Housed within our system’s Marketing Dashboard, this feature allows you to connect your event listings to the third-party marketing accounts you use most.
Read on for three key ways our account integrations will make event marketing easier for you!
Take the Guesswork Out of Pixel Tracking
Many platforms have several tracking tags that need to be placed on different pages of the checkout process. Our Marketing and Engineering teams stay up-to-date on which tags belong on which pages, so all you have to do is copy your pixel ID from the third-party platforms you’re utilizing and paste it in our account integrations page. We’ve even made custom ShowClix guides that walk you through the simple process step-by-step!
Collect Key Performance Indicators and Affinity Data
Once you connect your third-party accounts to our system, you’ll start collecting all the key performance indicators (KPIs) from your event listings that provide information on your market makeup, website, and purchase flow. In addition to the heavy hitters like conversion rate, return on ad spend (ROAS), and revenue, there are so many other metrics collected that can prove invaluable to understanding your event. Easily see which of your event listings is the most popular at a given time, identify which channels are driving the most conversions, find out what your market’s affinity interests are, and so much more!
Add Users to Your Remarketing List
Marketers are abuzz about remarketing, and rightfully so. Through our research and experience, remarketing tactics consistently yield high ROAS. Using our account integrations, you can track the complete sales funnel, creating lists of users who have landed on each page of your event listing, including the receipt page, so you can target these lists at a later date. To take your campaign targeting to a more granular level, make remarketing lists of users who landed on specific pages of your checkout process, but who did not buy a ticket (those who did not land on the receipt page) for an even more honed-in audience, increasing your potential to drive sales.