It’s finally here!
After months of preparation, our Event Operations team helped ReedPOP kick off this year’s New York Comic Con.
Earlier this week, Event Ops Manager Katie Smith and her team — comprised of engineers, Account Managers and more ticketing professionals — hauled vans full of equipment across Pennsylvania to New York. They spent the week training volunteers and prepping the gates. Dan, ShowClix’s IT Specialist, even took care of networking the massive Javits Center, a process that will make sure our scanners run at peak efficiency during the chaos of the next few days.
We’ve brought back our RFID scanners after a smashing success last year, and we’re already seeing lines moving even faster than before. This year, we’re also introducing a cool new application of the RFID badge technology.
We’ve installed several photo stations around the center, which allow attendees to snap high-definition photos of themselves with friends and instantly send them via email or post on social media. Since the attendee’s registered info is linked to their RFID badge, there’s no time-consuming login or registration at the station required!
Stay tuned next week for a recap!