Contributed by Katie Vojtko, Marketing Specialist at TowerCare Technologies
Within just two weeks, I had three unique experiences with online ticketing for nonprofits:
1. I obtained tickets online for an in-demand annual nonprofit fundraising event.
2. Along with hundreds of others, I attended the event (which perfectly handled the ticket scanning process).
3. I set up my first ShowClix account and began accepting online payments for my own nonprofit endeavor.
In the past, I’ve purchased online tickets, and I have always found it more efficient than standard tickets, which I’d have to receive in the mail. However, my recent experience brought me to a whole new level, dare I say “advanced” user? Let me recount my experiences (and success) while using online ticketing for these two nonprofit events…
Just about two weeks ago, tickets for a red hot annual fundraising event for a local nonprofit went on sale. Logging on a bit early at 11:55am, I refreshed my browser until noon. Then, I learned all those refreshes weren’t even necessary. ShowClix’s online ticketing system automatically jumped me into the queue. Within minutes, my tickets were secured. The process I feared would be frustrating turned out to be fair and pleasant. Success!
That leads me to the actual day of event. I came armed with both my receipt and tickets because you can never be too sure. I expected a long line and heavy lag due to all the people. To my delight, the event’s entrance was armed with a team of volunteers with iPhones. From their phones, they scanned my event tickets from a free app that routes back information to the nonprofit’s event reporting. We were through registration in a matter of seconds and on to the event!
Finally, my personal experience with setting up an account for my own nonprofit’s event ticketing. We host monthly speaking events which have grown to a level that now deserves a more official ticketing process. With ShowClix, my account and very first event were up and running in under 30 minutes. Through social media and email, I’ve already secured event registrations. The reporting function has provided more information than I’ve had in the past. I also contribute the secure and safe credit card processing to guests making their reservations quicker. There’s no hesitation on their end.
For these lessons, I have to thank ShowClix. My experiences were 100% problem-free from beginning to end. It’s that exact reason why TowerCare Technologies, the company behind DonorPro nonprofit fundraising software, recommends and supports ShowClix online ticketing platform. Our partnership helps nonprofits manage their online event ticketing and directly integrate event analytics with your online fundraising software and donor database.
Learn more about DonorPro’s suite of fundraising solutions.