Your event just ended, and you’re already thinking about the next one. Fans will be thinking about the great times they had for a while, but how do you make sure you keep them interested so they’ll come back next time?
We securely store your customers’ email contact info, so you’re able to send promotional messaging right from inside the ShowClix Admin. Even before you start planning your next event, you can still make use of your collected customer info to start reaching out and communicating with your customers.
Get feedback. Within a day or two after the event, you have a major opportunity to gather feedback by surveying your fans and finding out what they loved (or disliked!) about your event. Utilize services such as Survey Monkey to create quick surveys, and include a link in the email you build using ShowClix’s email outbox.
Share upcoming events. Put together a calendar that showcases what shows are coming up at your venue, or include the flyer and basic info for next year’s event. You can even use these emails as a way to quickly direct past customers to the ticketing page once it’s live.
Encourage photo submissions. Lots of folks take photos with their phones while at events, and chances are they probably snapped a couple photos at yours. Send out a link to your social media profiles and encourage fans to submit their photos.
Offer discounts. Keep your customer loyalty strong by offering those who attended your event a discount on next year’s event. We’ve learned that customers who receive such discounts will buy tickets well in advance.