Did you know you can transform the checkout process of your event listings with our highly customizable pages?
Your event listing is the last thing your customers see before they decide whether or not to purchase tickets to your event, so it needs to be a seamless extension of your brand, with an easy-to-navigate interface that gets customers through the purchase process quickly. You’ve probably used our standard event listings before; they take only minutes to create, and highlight all the important features of your event, including pertinent details, ticket price levels, available merchandise, and even links to your website and social pages. Our option for even more customized pages, however, takes things to the next level!
Our customizable event pages offer a streamlined purchase process, an updated look, convenient on-screen pop-ups, and a highly efficient way for customers to filter ticket inventory. Customers can buy tickets in just a few clicks, all from a single page! Plus, you’re able to create multiple listings of the same event, so you can create targeted marketing campaigns featuring different aspects of your venue, or featured guests, or event offering.Â
If you want to learn more about using our custom event pages, check out our support article or contact clients@showclix.com today!