Did you know you can sell tickets directly on your Facebook page?
When customers purchase a ticket, they want the process to be as quick and easy as possible. With our Facebook Checkout tool, your customers can learn about your event, check out reviews and posts, and purchase their tickets all without ever leaving Facebook. It hits your customers where they already spend a ton of time: on Facebook! Reducing the number of steps in the buying process not only creates a seamless ticket buying experience for the customer, it can play a big part in increasing ticket sales for your event. They can RSVP, share the event with their friends, and easily invite others right after they purchase.
Once you’ve installed our checkout on your Facebook page, you can add the “Find Tickets” tab to the top of the sidebar so customers can easily find where to buy tickets. Under the “Show Events List” option, there are two different views you can employ to show your event: a calendar and list display. The calendar view allows customers to visualize the dates of your event on a calendar, while listing upcoming events is best used if you have various events in different locations. If you’re promoting one listing at a time, you can set the view to display only that particular event.
Want to know more? Check out our Help Article on Facebook Checkout!