Let’s face it, sometimes event postponement is unavoidable. How you communicate it to your customers during the first week can make all the difference in perception and overall customer experience. Check out our team’s event postponement communication tips below, and keep them in mind when planning your next event.
Email Communication
To best ensure that all ticket buyers are made aware of the postponement, send at least three emails within the first week after postponement. Use attention-grabbing subject lines including the name of your event and action-oriented language. For example, try “Open Immediately – PimaCon Update” or “Postponed – PimaCon Info.” Be sure to include all relevant information including possible/confirmed reschedule dates, venue or location changes, and how requests for refunds are being handled. Even if refunds are not being offered right away, you should clearly state this to avoid confusion.
Social Media Announcements
Because not all of your attendees will see your emails, be sure to also share the postponement updates via social media. Your event’s social posts should be brief, but include the major details from your email and the contact info where customers can reach out with questions. Consider creating images to help draw attention to the post. Include your branding and postponement language right on the image. Don’t forget to pin the post on each platform!
Internal Information
Ensure your team has all the information they need to communicate to your customers properly. If your social media, customer support, or other staffers are not communicating consistent messaging across the board, confusion and added challenges may follow. Brief your entire event staff on the necessary details and provide scripts to communicate the situation. Have an escalation plan in place for situations involving frustrated customers and set up a dedicated internal communication channel for the situation (i.e. a Slack channel or other instant messaging service, or a group text).