The magical night of Halloween is soon upon us! Whether you’re celebrating at home passing out candy, or out in the night dancing it up – we’ve gathered a list of tips and tricks to have the best time possible for Halloween this year!
While Halloween is full of traditions, the tricks and the treats, the tales and the legends, let this be the time of year you celebrate being young at heart! Be safe, utilize cool technology, take plenty of photos, be prepared, have candy-loads of fun, even start planning for your next Holiday party!
1. Get ‘techy’ this Halloween.
Have a smartphone? You’re in luck! There are plenty of apps and ways you can use your smartphone to have a safe, and successful Halloween! One app that can come in handy before Halloween is an app for Halloween costume ideas. Stuck in a rut with what to personify this year? Download a free app that will give you ideas, as well ways you can purchase a costume through your smartphone! Try ‘Halloween Costumes Fashion Fun for Adults‘ or ‘Costume Ideas’ – both free!
Also, you can use your smartphone to store your mobile tickets to the Halloween event you’re attending. Don’t worry about remembering your physical tickets, just make sure you remember your smartphone!
Finally, a very handy app for finding what bars or parties your friends are at throughout is Apple’s free Find a Friend App. You can locate friends or family to keep track of where they are for an easy meetup or in case one of you gets a little lost out there in the fog of the night…
2. Take pictures of your costume early in the evening.
You will want to remember the awesome costume you put together and what your friends look like before you all sweat off your makeup, lose costume accessories, or end up looking like Little Red Ridinghood the Zombie by the end of the night. Be sure that is the first thing you do before you go out! Once everyone gathers together, snap a few photos, look them over, and make sure you take in the full awesomeness of your costume.
Same for the kiddos who are trick or treating – they’ll be all smiles at the beginning of the trick-or-treat journey but by the end of the night they are either in a sugar coma or exhausted from combing over the neighborhood for treats. Who could blame them? Its hard work looking so cute as a mini-lion.
3. Carry some emergency necessities with you.
If you’re out trick or treating, a small flashlight or emergency glow stick can come in handy when you either get spooked, lost, or to let other people or vehicles easily see you. If you’re out and about at parties that night, the glow stick or flashlight can easily become an instant party tool (not to mention how you put your keys in the door at the end of the night). Also, if you’re in some sort of makeup for your costume, put a small amount in a resealable plastic bag and stuff it in your pocket or purse. Last minute touchups might be necessary throughout the night!
4. Get creative this Halloween with unique events!
Halloween doesn’t have to be about dressing up and drinking – celebrate with your family at home with fun Halloween-themed games (find some ideas here), go to a haunted house, a pumpkin patch, attend an interactive showing of “Rocky Horror Picture Show”, go on a historic ghost walk with all of your friends, or discover some unique events all across the country and beyond with our Haunted 2012 event finder! Make it a Halloween you’ll remember with fun activities, not just another night of drunken debauchery.
5. Start planning for your next Holiday event!
For a final ‘trick’ and ‘treat’…now that you’re in a festive mood for the Holiday spirit, get creative and devise (mwhahaha) your next event and sell tickets online! Get your event page started fast and easy with a pre-made template, friendly help with your own account manager and our in-house call center, a web-based box office, and one of the hottest ticketing platforms around!
We want to wish everyone a happy and eventful Halloween with all of these tips and tricks! Do you have any fun tips and tricks for Halloween this year? Or what is something fun you’re looking forward to this Halloween?