Our favorite social media site has been busy optimizing their event pages.
The new Buy Tickets link and cover photo functionality have made posting a Facebook event more useful than ever.
• Buy Tickets link: To include the link on a Facebook event, you’ll have to post the event from our Facebook option in the Admin. Simply connect your Facebook Page in the Admin and then go to any of your events that you’d like to share on Facebook.
Click the small Facebook icon on the event dashboard. Once it is published, click View the Event on Facebook and you’ll find the Buy Tickets link right next to the essential event details. It looks like a natural part of the Facebook event page.
• Event cover photo: If you uploaded an image for your event in the ShowClix admin, that will then become the image for the Facebook Event page. However, Facebook has now let event pages have their own cover photos, making your event even more attractive on the social network.
Upload a picture from a previous concert, portions of a flyer, the featured artist/speaker/entertainment or showcase your brand!
One of our users, VIA Pittsburgh, updates the cover photo on their Facebook Page regularly to let people know about upcoming shows. This is a great chance to inform people of the type of events you offer, while they are checking out an event they are already interested in.
If you have any questions regarding Facebook and ShowClix, contact your account manager today or leave us a message in the comments.Â