So your event is over, and now your fans are talking about it all over social media. You want to be included in the excitement, but how can you quickly jump into the conversation?
Great post-event content could entail a blog post, marketing email or social media post. Regardless of the medium, communicating and sharing your success after the event will increase awareness of your event and provide great marketing material for future events — and, hopefully, convince those who didn’t attend that they missed out, so they’ll buy tickets next time!
To help you get started, we’re sharing some of our best post-event content advice:
Write immediately.
Timing is critical. Share your content while your event is still top of mind of your attendees. Plan to write the night of the event or the next morning. The post will be more accurate, more fun to write and your fans will be more likely to interact on social media.
Keep it short.
A recap doesn’t have to be a play-by-play of the event — instead, keep the content succinct to keep the reader’s interest. Check social media to see what everyone is posting about. Consider including a hot topic from the event with commentary from fans, a behind-the-scenes recap of the event or interesting stats (such as attendance numbers).
Share photos.
Include photos from the event to add fresh visuals to your content. Whether you embed a slideshow of photos or choose only the best few to share, be sure to choose an assortment of crowd perspective shots and photos from behind the scenes.
Include event reminders.
Sharing content after the event is a great opportunity to link to upcoming events for a highly targeted audience: your past customers! Your fans just had a great experience and will want to return, so make sure you include the next event’s info and direct links to buy tickets.