Not everyone wants to sit front row center at your event.
We know that “Best Available” has different meanings for different customers. Some ticket buyers might like to be in the front row during a rock concert, while others might prefer to enjoy the view from the balcony. At a dance recital, parents may want to sit in the section closest to their own personal star of the show.
So we built an interactive seat map that leaves the choice up to the customer. Known as Select My Seats, our interactive seat map allows your customers to control how they want to experience your event.
Something remarkable happens when customers are given the opportunity to choose their own seats for an event: the box office phones stop ringing off the hook, but tickets keep selling like crazy.
When you’re trying to sell more tickets and keep customers happy, convenience is key. Using an interactive seat map provides a quick, simple way for your customers to pick what they want and purchase it at once without having to wait in line or call the box office.
Check out our case study and hear what our clients (and their customers) are saying about Select My Seats.